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The domotic electric system: the technological evolution of the traditional electrical system


With the passing of years and the continual technical development of materials and components, the electrical system in civil buildings, and not only has integrated its role as a simple distribution of electricity with modern technology Home and Building Automation (HBA), better known by the term Domotics. This word is composed of a set of words: “domus“, which in Latin means house, and “robotics” the discipline of engineering that deals with methods that allow a machine to realize the human labor. Specifically, the development of all those technologies to improve the quality of life in all the inhabited places.

Actually the Home Automation covers all automation systems involving a single house, providing services mainly to people who generally do not have great familiarity with sophisticated electronic equipment. This is the reason why generally, the home automation is composed of devices that do not require particular technical expertise; consider, for example, elderly or disabled people who can use all the features of a system through a simple remote control or voice commands.

Instead, the Building Automation covers all automation systems related to the management of entire buildings in residential (large condos, hotels), manufacturing (factories) in public (hospitals, schools), commercial (shops, malls). The Building Automation is aimed mainly at professionals with special expertise and for these reasons, it manages functionality technically much more complex and advanced.

Through the combined use of electrical, electronics, IT and telecommunications, Domotics researches and develops integrated systems for the automation of processes and controls. With these systems, we can achieve a better quality of life, enhanced security, and above all, a considerable saving in energy consumption (see Fig.1).

Fig.1: Home automation system

The features that can be automated through the use of a home automation system, can be distinguished in the following categories:

The Domotic System

The main feature of a home automation system is to use a wide range of devices capable of communicating with each other within an intelligent management system that includes all the global system types: electrical, electronic, hydraulic, alarm and video surveillance, fire , data.

Consequently, the fundamental element that characterizes this type of system is the communication network or a system consisting of a physical line of communication that connects the various components referred to the transmission medium, or more generally BUS from the Latin “omnibus”, which means ‘for all’ (in fact you should pronounce it as ‘boos‘ because it is a latin word). Furthermore, a digital part will constitute the language of communication, called communication protocol.

In practice, a home automation system is composed of a BUS line which by means of a digital communication protocol, it allows the dialogue between the following categories of devices (see figure 2):

Fig.2: Connections in a home automation system

The advantages of a home automation system are several: the physical separation between the power lines and the command lines, the simplicity of installation and connections, and the significant reduction in the quantity of cables used, but the most important is undoubtedly the possibility to change the configuration at any time without affecting the connections.

In fact, exploiting the potential of communication protocol, just a “name” (address) is assigned to each device in the system, so that each component knows what to do and when to do but more importantly, it knows which are the devices with which must do it.
In this way, for example, you can change at any time the function of a switch or the actions of a sensor simply by reprogramming the addresses to which commands are sent. A switch can be a diverter or a light sensor may act either on the rolling shutter or on a lighting twilight of the garden, simply by reprogramming the system.

The home automation systems are classified according to their architecture, or to the way in which the various devices are connected and controlled as well as the function of the control unit, in the following types:

Fig.3 Centralized architecture
Fig.4: Distributed architecture
Fig.5: Mixed Architecture

The Transmission Medium

The transmission medium, most commonly defined BUS (Binary Unit System), is the system used for the physical connection of all devices of a home automation system. In general, the choice of the most suitable transmission medium must be made according to the analysis of the environment in which the connection must be carried out, or to its extension, to the speed of response to commands, noise immunity, not neglecting a right compromise between cost and performance of the system.

The transmission media for the possible creation of a home automation network are:

Fig.6: Twisted Pairs

The system bus twisted pair is the one that brings out the full potential of home automation systems, so as to be the most widely used means of transmission, reliable, easy to install, with a good transmission speeds in excess of 100 Mb / s and above with costs considerably lows.

It should be clear, however, that the bus line of a home automation system must not be considered as a data transmission line for telecommunications and multimedia distribution, characterized by a certain band width and capable of transmitting complex information at high speed, but is a line that needs to transmit information of limited quality and low speed.

In this regard, the standard EN 50090-9-1 “Home and Building Electronic System” defines the following classes HBES for bus lines:

In the current home automation systems, bus lines of class 1 and 2 are used exclusively. Class 1 is used to control lighting, heating, cooling, ventilation or intrusion alarms, flood, gas, fire; while class 2 is used for telephone, intercom and video intercom, sound system, video control.

The communication protocol

The communication system, more commonly defined language, with which the various components of the domotic system interact with each other through the medium of transmission is called communication protocol. It can be of type:

There is currently a large number of communication protocols, the main ones are listed below:

The KNX standard (Konnex)

Among the many protocols listed above, the KNX standard is the one that has imposed itself most in the world market. He is currently the most important and widespread in the sector of the commercial and residential; with over 300 manufacturers and over 15,000 certified devices, it is a system of communication and certification that is recognized worldwide.

KNX was founded in 1999 by the Konnex foundation formed by the merger of three European associations: EIB (European Installation Bus), BCI (Batibus Club International), EHSA (European Home Systems Association). This standard is based primarily on the specific EIB further complemented with some configuration mechanisms developed by BCI and EHSA. It uses the twisted pair, the carrier waves at 110 kHz and 132 kHz, the radio frequency 868 MHz and the infrared rays as a means of transmission.

Fig.7: The Konnex Logo

It is currently recognized as the standard in accordance with the European CENELEC EN50090 and IEC 13321-1, since 2006 it has been approved as an international standard in accordance with ISO / IEC 14543-3 standard and is also approved as Chinese GB / Z 20965.

Once you have finished installing all the components of the system, ie after you have completed all the connections of the bus line and all electrical connections of the various users, you must activate the process of communication between the various devices by performing a specific task configuration. This is possible by using a special software called ETS (Engineering Tool Software currently, originally called the EIB Tool Software) that is an integral part of the KNX standard by which you can make, in addition to the initial configuration and commissioning, diagnostics and also monitoring the system regardless of the manufacturer of the devices.

The software is marketed by the consortium KNX ETS in three versions:

Through the ETS software installed on a computer, you can set the configuration regardless of the system on which you are operating, ie without being connected to the bus line (offline). Once you have finished configuring your computer, you can connect to the system through the appropriate interface, such as RS232, USB, Ethernet, etc., and upload it, thus allowing the system to operate independently. The operation is the same, if you need to make changes to an existing system or control.

The consortium KNX through rigorous checks certifies and guarantees, as well as the various manufacturers, components that are certified on the basis of three configuration modes:

The structure of a KNX system (see figure 8) is composed of various devices grouped into lines belonging to a number of areas connected to each other through the transmission medium; each line can be grouped up to 64 devices, each area can be composed of a maximum of 15 lines and each system can include up to 15 areas, as a consequence to every single system you can connect up to 14,400 devices.

Fig.8: Architecture of the standard Konnex

The various lines are connected to the mains through the line couplers AL, while the main lines can be connected to each other through the area couplers AA. The couplers have the function to electrically isolate parts of the system in such a way that a possible electrical failure of a single device does not compromise the functioning of the entire system. The connection between the lines and the ridge can be made either in any way (see Figure 9), however, it must comply with the following conditions of the KNX standard:

Fig.9: Bus line connections

The KNX standard divides the devices into two categories:

System devices are power supplies with safety extra low voltage 24 V DC and the various couplers, all those devices that carry out activities in support of the system;

Dedicated devices allow the implementation of the functionality of the system such as sensors, controls, actuators. These devices are composed of two separate units: a unit exclusively functional such as the button or a probe for light intensity or for the speed of the wind, and the other unit exclusively electronic named BCU (Bus Coupling Unit) which is directly connected with the bus line enables the exchange and interpretation of signals between the functional unit and the rest of the system.

The unit BCU is a real micro computer comprising: a microprocessor; an EEPROM (Electronically Erasable Programmable Memory) that manages the configuration parameters; a ROM (Read Only Memory) that runs the operating system; a RAM (Random Access Memory) that controls and manages the status of the device; a transmission module that allows the decoupling of signals from supply (see figure 10).

Fig.10: Dedicated system structure

The Konnex communication protocol is based on digital data transmission of the serial type in which the information is formed by the sequence of bits (the smallest element in the binary number system, the sequence of 8 bits form one byte) each of which can assume the value of 1 or 0. In practice, the logic state 1 is equal to the value of the supply voltage of the system, while the logic state 0 is equivalent to the reduction in the value of the supply voltage with a pulse duration of 35 ms. The communication takes place with sending messages called telegrams in the presence of any event such as the pressing of a button or the state of a sensor (see Figure 11).

In the interval T1 the device checks that the bus line is not engaged by other telegrams. At the end of the transmission of the message, the receiving device verifies the proper receipt with the time T2 and with a positive verification it sends the confirmation. In case the message is not received correctly its transmission can be repeated up to three times, if the reception of the telegram is not confirmed, the procedure is aborted and is registered in the memory of the sender.

Each telegram consists of several fields divided into packets of 8 bits plus some information to verify transmission errors; in practice a telegram consists of the following fields in order:

Fig.11: Telegram structure

In order to avoid unnecessary repetitions if the bus line is busy or with an alarm message, the system is able to assign a priority status to telegrams in the following order:

An overview of the standards

The regulatory system in respect of the Home and Building Electronic System involves the following organizations:

The most important regulations regarding HBES (Home and Building Electronic System) is the CENELEC EN 50090 (implemented in Italy as CEI EN 50090), which is divided into nine sections. It states: the requirements of the system and components; the criteria for the design, installation, verification and testing (see here).

Other technical reference standards are:

The evolution of the electrical system design

With the use of home automation, it is no longer enough to realize a correct dimensioning and wiring to ensure the functionality of an electric system, but also a correct programming is required. Compared to conventional (and obsolete) electrical installations, a home automation system offers significant advantages providing all the users of the system with control functions, comfort and safety, ensuring a better quality of life by integrating the following features:

As a result of this rapid technological change also the design of an electrical system has undergone a radical transformation from a simple design electrical systems, it has become integrated plant design. In particular, we speak of integrated plant design when there is no longer a clear separation between the different types of plant installed in a building. The result is a unique programmable multifunction system able to monitor, coordinate and control the various functions both locally and remotely. In traditional systems the various designers operate independently of each other. In the case of a home automation system should be an effective and constant interaction between the various plant configurations and consequently between different installers, the electrician, the plumber, the fabricator, the antenna installer, the electronics technician, and the IT technician..

The spread of increasingly sophisticated electronic equipment in the home has become an unstoppable phenomenon that makes it crucial task of continuous coordination between the different system designs that should be taken by the home automation designer (System Integrator), with responsibilities primarily electric but also oriented to the management of the house, telecommunications, security of persons and property, to entertainment, heating and plumbing, computer.

In practice, the professional designer home automation (System Integrator) is the natural evolution of the traditional electrical designer. This new professional must be fully aware of the technology needs of all plants of a given building ensuring a perfect harmony with all the other professionals in order to obtain the best possible solutions and above all protect the buyer from easy and cheap solutions are not standardized .

The phases of the integrated systems design

The task of a good home automation designer is to correct sizing of lines and protections and also to implement a procedure for the execution of the project that must be performed according to the order of the following steps:

  1. analysis of the needs and requirements of the customer. At this preliminary stage, you must apply directly to distributors of services in such a way as to bring out clearly all the necessities and functionality to satisfy. Indeed, at this stage, errors of evaluation and possible misunderstandings involve erroneous designs and accordingly incorrect installation of the systems;
  2. assessment of the systems and their components. At this stage you have to prepare an accurate list of all the systems and related equipment to install highlighting all the arrangements for monitoring and control of various functions in order to avoid inconsistencies and incompatibilities between the installations and the control system;
  3. choice of the home automation system. In this stage, all the components of the automation system must be chosen, the central command and control with possible future expansions, the transmission medium, the communication protocol, the devices for input and output. The choices made must achieve a balance between the needs to be met, the functional characteristics of the system and costs;
  4. elaboration of the project. At this stage the positions of the devices are defined (switchboards, control panels, controllers, actuators, sensors, video surveillance equipment, etc.) and planimetric layout are made with the arrangement of all equipment and controls, junction boxes, of electrical panels, control stations with their schemas. The circuit diagrams of the paintings are defined and the calculation of the power lines and the guards takes place; you also define any details on installation, strictly dependent on the complexity of the project;
  5. map of signals and commands, the connection diagram. In this stage, you have to provide appropriate tables in order to define the addresses of all the devices input and output of the system and its connections, taking into account all the needs and functions required by the customer;
  6. specifications and requirements for the planning and maintenance of the system. At this stage you have to prepare all the documentation necessary for a correct programming and commissioning of the system and the requirements for routine maintenance of the system.

Some Useful Tips

With the continuous technology development worldwide, especially in the context of electrical, continuous adaptation to modern technology is required in order to implement more sophisticated systems to comply with regulatory requirements relating in particular to achieve significant energy savings. In this regard, there is no doubt about the many benefits that can be achieved with the construction of a home automation system; For these reasons in the design and installation, it is advised that you respect the following recommendations:

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