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Machine Learning: beyond classification and regression problems

Beyond the classification and regression problems
Beyond the classification and regression problems header

For those approaching the world of Machine Learning you will immediately find yourself dealing with many algorithms and models used exclusively to solve Classification and Regression problems. But then in reality, when we encounter more real problems of everyday life we often have to deal with more complex problems, or at least of a different nature, in which a different approach could be the ideal one. In this article we will delve deeper into this topic.

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Why do we mainly talk about classification and regression problems in Machine Learning?

Classification and regression problems are widely discussed in textbooks and on the web in the context of Machine Learning for several reasons:

However, it is important to note that Machine Learning is a very broad field, and there are many other types of problems and techniques beyond classification and regression. Problems such as clustering, dimensionality reduction, reinforcement learning, text generation, and many others are equally important and present unique challenges. Many advanced courses and more specialized resources also cover these less popular topics. So, if you have an interest in specific types of Machine Learning problems, you can find specialized resources to meet your needs.

Machine Learning and the many problems it can address

In addition to regression and classification problems, Machine Learning can be applied to a wide range of problems. Here are some of the main types of problems that can be addressed using Machine Learning techniques:

These are just a few of the broad types of problems that can be addressed using Machine Learning techniques. The choice of algorithm type and approach will depend on the specific nature of the problem and the available data.

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