
Dangers of electricity

It is my intention to highlight, with this article, the great danger of electricity, today too often underestimated due to the lack of a proper and continuous training for both overconfidence and carelessness.


Units of measurement: representation and writing rules

Over the course of my career as a designer of electrical systems and technical manager of various companies, I have often heard, especially from the experts; The mains voltage is 220 volts, or you receive documents with units of measurement incorrectly written, incomplete and sometimes even completely incomprehensible.


Matlab: symbolic calculation

Atlab is an application that we all know, but we are not always aware of all its potential. In fact, Matlab in addition to carry out the numerical calculation directed to which we are all accustomed, also allows us to evaluate analytically (i.e. maintaining parametric expressions) Many of these calculations. In fact, thanks to the symbolic Math Toolbox, Matlab provides us with a set of instructions for symbolic (or literal) computation.


A brief introduction to Processing

Processing is a programming language developed to be used by all artists and designers who have taken into account the idea of using the PC as a "brush" or "chisel" to create their own artistic creations.