OpenCV - The watershed algoritm

Opencv – Watershed’s algorithm for image segmentation

The Watershed algorithm is an image segmentation technique that aims to separate an image into regions or segments based on gradient information. This algorithm is especially useful in scenarios where you want to separate close or touching objects in an image. Watershed’s approach simulates the image as a topographical landscape, where peaks represent local maxima and valleys represent separations between objects. The algorithm then fills these “tanks” with water, starting from local minima and merging the pools when water from different pools meets.

Backtracking vs Brute Force

The Backtracking technique vs Brute Force

In the vast landscape of problem-solving algorithms, two main approaches emerge as distinct but complementary methods: Backtracking and Brute Force. Both are used to solve computational problems by exhaustively searching for solutions, but their strategies differ significantly.



Lately there is a lot of talk about Python and the possibility of using it in the programming of microcontrollers instead of other languages such as C or C ++, often too complex and which require a lot of effort and time for their learning. But Python is a language born to work on large machines like today’s PCs are. In this regard, CircuitPython has been developed, a particular version of Python suitable for working with small boards and chosen by Adafruit as the base platform for its products.

Processors, how they are made and how they work

Processors, how they are made and how they work

In this article we will see in detail what processors are and what role they play inside a computer. We will see how they are structured, the functions performed and how they are characterized. In particular we will analyze the differences between the CISC and RISC architectures. Finally we will close with a quick introduction to memory and how it is structured. Fundamental concept for understanding how a processor can access it.

Levels of programming languages - from digital computers to virtual machines

Levels of programming languages – from digital computers to virtual machines

Today we have a large number of programming languages available, some with a very specific scope of operability such as the web, analysis and mathematical calculation, or data management. These languages, so high-level and easily interpretable by professionals in the specific sector, are the result of years of evolution, which have managed to transform a binary language, which can only be interpreted by machines (machine code), passing through levels of programming languages gradually more complex. In this article we will see the reasons and ways of this development.

Seeweb - Cloud Hosting

What is Cloud Hosting

Cloud hosting is a service, provided by companies such as, which ensures the permanence of our site on the web, optimally managing the resources regarding the space and traffic that our site needs.

How to clone a repository on GitHub

How to clone a repository from GitHub

If you have a repository on GitHub, this can be considered as a remote repository. In order to work on it and develop new versions, it will be necessary to “clone” this repository in a directory on your computer, creating a local copy of all the files. So you will have a local repository. Once this copy has been made, the two locations will be synchronized with each other.