Tidyverse and descriptive statistics

Tidyverse, an ideal tool for Descriptive Statistics with R

Descriptive statistics is a crucial step in data analysis, providing a detailed overview of the main characteristics of a dataset. R, with its vast ecosystem of packages, offers a powerful and coherent solution to address this phase. Among these, Tidyverse stands out, a set of packages designed to improve data manipulation, analysis and visualization in R.

Centrality Measurements of a distribution

Centrality Measurements of a Distribution with Python

Centrality measures, such as the mean, median, and mode, identify the typical value of a data set, providing a reference point for understanding the distribution. These measures work synergistically with measures of dispersion, such as standard deviation and IQR, to quantify the variability around the central value. Considering both of these aspects offers a comprehensive perspective of the distribution, essential for statistical modeling, informed decisions, and the accurate description of data.

Measurements of dispersion of a distribution

Measurements of Dispersion of a Distribution in Python

Calculating measures of dispersion, such as standard deviation and IQR, is crucial for evaluating the variability of data around its central tendency. These measures provide critical information about the distribution, allowing you to identify outliers, compare distributions, and make informed decisions. Understanding variability is essential for process control, building accurate statistical models, and supporting predictions and decisions in different contexts.

Measurements of the shape of a distribution

Measurements of the Shape of a Distribution

Evaluating the shape of a distribution in statistics is crucial for selecting appropriate models, ensuring the validity of inferences, and identifying anomalous behavior. With measures such as skewness and kurtosis, the skewness, tail and concentration of the distribution are evaluated. This analysis guides the choice of descriptive statistics, regression models and hypothesis tests, ensuring correct interpretation of the data. Understanding the shape of the distribution is essential for preparing data, comparing groups, and making reliable predictions.

Marginal Probability

Marginal probability

Marginal probability is a probability measure that is obtained by adding (or integrating, in the case of continuous variables) the joint probability over one or more events. In other words, it involves obtaining the probability of an individual event while ignoring information about the other events involved. This operation can be performed on both discrete variables and continuous variables.