Measurements of the shape of a distribution

Measurements of the Shape of a Distribution

Evaluating the shape of a distribution in statistics is crucial for selecting appropriate models, ensuring the validity of inferences, and identifying anomalous behavior. With measures such as skewness and kurtosis, the skewness, tail and concentration of the distribution are evaluated. This analysis guides the choice of descriptive statistics, regression models and hypothesis tests, ensuring correct interpretation of the data. Understanding the shape of the distribution is essential for preparing data, comparing groups, and making reliable predictions.

Marginal Probability

Marginal probability

Marginal probability is a probability measure that is obtained by adding (or integrating, in the case of continuous variables) the joint probability over one or more events. In other words, it involves obtaining the probability of an individual event while ignoring information about the other events involved. This operation can be performed on both discrete variables and continuous variables.

Descriptive Statistics

Revealing the Details: An Exploration of Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics is an essential branch of statistics that focuses on summarizing and organizing data in order to provide a clear and concise understanding of their fundamental characteristics. While Inferential Statistics seeks to make statements about the population based on a sample, Descriptive Statistics is concerned with examining and communicating the intrinsic characteristics of the data itself.

Advanced Regression - Regularization

Advanced Regression Techniques: Regularization

Regularization is a technique used in regression analysis to prevent overfitting and improve the generalization ability of the model. Overfitting occurs when the model overfits the training data, also capturing the noise in the data rather than just the underlying patterns. This can lead to a poor generalization ability of the model on new data

Central Limit Theorem

The Central Limit Theorem with Python

Statistics is a fundamental discipline for the analysis and interpretation of data. One of the most powerful conceptual tools in statistics is the Central Limit Theorem (CLT). This theorem is crucial to inferential statistics and provides the basis for many statistical analyzes applied in a wide range of fields.