The XGBoost library

The XGBoost library for Machine Learning

XGBoost is an open-source library that has gained considerable popularity in the data science community for its effectiveness in solving a wide range of supervised machine learning problems. This library, primarily developed by Tianqi Chen, offers a powerful tree boosting algorithm that relies on successive iterations to improve model accuracy. One of its standout features is the ability to easily handle missing data during the training process, significantly simplifying the workflow for users.

Machine Learning - The scikit-learn library

Scikit-learn, a versatile and powerful tool for Machine Learning in Python

In the modern data era, machine learning has become an essential component for extracting meaningful insights and data-driven decision making. In this article, we will explore the features and capabilities of the Scikit-learn library, a versatile and powerful tool for machine learning in Python. From data preparation to model building and performance evaluation, Scikit-learn offers a wide range of tools to tackle a variety of machine learning problems.

AdaBoost algorithm

The AdaBoost (Adaptive Boosting) algorithm with scikit-learn in Python

The AdaBoost algorithm is an ensemble learning technique that combines several weak classifiers to create one strong classifier. Using Python and scikit-learn, we will implement AdaBoost for classification, including a simple example with the Iris dataset. The code will include data loading, splitting into training and test sets, model training, predictions, and performance evaluation. Additionally, we will visualize the results for a deeper understanding.