Meccanismo Complesso - Steampunk keyboard 3

 Build your SteamPunk keyboard

    Some of you will know the television series called Warehouse 13. Do you remember when “Artie” Arthur Nielsen researched for artifacts lost in the world typing on a particular keyboard? Well, that keyboard was built with a Steampunk style. Many items made in this style caught the attention of many DIY (do it yourself) experts who have tried to reproduce them using material that were easily available. The Steampunk keyboard that we talked about, is one of the most eye-catching items that have been built and it is the object of discussion in this article.

 Cymatics: the beauty of the acoustic waves

  This empirical approach allows us to visualize the nodal lines of motion of vibration of the membrane, and the figures that are obtained are called Chladni’s patterns, in honor of the German physicist and musician who first studied their characteristics


 Earth Wind Map: the visualization of atmospheric data

  Earth Wind Map is a web application, or rather an interactive map, developed by Cameron Beccario at the beginning of 2014. The way it works is very similar to Google Earth, even in the way it presents itself, after loading the page it shows the terrestrial globe in the foreground.


Drawing Waves on Lattice with Processing

About a week ago, when I was surfing on Google +, I saw an animated GIF that represented a series of black balls orbiting around a lattice's dots. These balls had the angles staggered between them and rotating them all together gave the complex the image of a wave flowing through a surface.