dendrogram with different levels

Circular Dendrograms

It has been several months since I wrote a series of articles that treated the development of dendrograms through the use of the JavaScript library D3. However, I recently received a series of requests to deepen the topic, which apparently seems to have enjoyed a fairly successful.


 Earth Wind Map: the visualization of atmospheric data

  Earth Wind Map is a web application, or rather an interactive map, developed by Cameron Beccario at the beginning of 2014. The way it works is very similar to Google Earth, even in the way it presents itself, after loading the page it shows the terrestrial globe in the foreground.

Arduino ZERO – when ZERO is greater than ONE

Along with the new and highly anticipated Arduino TRE board, which in the meantime has been released in a limited edition (I have not purchased it given the high price at which it was proposed, that is over 150 EURs …:( ), the release of a new Arduino board was recently announced: the new Arduino ZERO.


Rapid prototyping

The prototypes (from the greek πρωτότυπος ‘Prototipos’ ie ‘first model’) are often intended as partial or approximate models of a system that we want to develop (design phase) and their realization is often a very critical stage in the production process.


Creative Commons Licenses

The copyright law submits (at least in theory) its works to a regulation on their very restrictive use (Copyright or "All rights reserved"). It can often be profitable for the author to share his work with the users in order to spread it as much as possible.


Drawing Waves on Lattice with Processing

About a week ago, when I was surfing on Google +, I saw an animated GIF that represented a series of black balls orbiting around a lattice's dots. These balls had the angles staggered between them and rotating them all together gave the complex the image of a wave flowing through a surface.


Matlab: symbolic calculation

Atlab is an application that we all know, but we are not always aware of all its potential. In fact, Matlab in addition to carry out the numerical calculation directed to which we are all accustomed, also allows us to evaluate analytically (i.e. maintaining parametric expressions) Many of these calculations. In fact, thanks to the symbolic Math Toolbox, Matlab provides us with a set of instructions for symbolic (or literal) computation.