
Some considerations on the batteries

the battery has become the fundamental element of the portable electronic equipment, and not only, the possibility to have large amounts of power and be able to provide in long times by means of a lightweight system and large capacity is of considerable importance in other fields such as cars and storage of large quantities of energy.


The reception system of a digital television signal

Following my previous article a useful manual on digital terrestrial television with which I analyzed globally the digital terrestrial system, from production to transmission until reception, with this article I would like to analyse and Describe in detail a reception plant, both for a single unit and centralized for more units, starting from the description and analysis of the various components to the distribution of the signal up to the design and the final Installation.

Antenna digital

A useful handbook on digital terrestrial television

The digital television transmission, beyond inevitable problems of realization and running-in due mainly to a too hasty choice without having made first a better dislocation of the transmission sites with the relative diagrams of Irradiation, represents a very important step towards the realization of future interactive services of the television equipment


The stand-by function: “The electronic state of half asleep”

In these times when energy saving is very timely especially with the realization of equipment increasingly attentive to the consumption of electricity, with this article I want to focus on that dot always on, usually red in color, which represents the stand-by of almost all modern electrical and electronic equipment; a bright dot that is generally considered annoying but completely harmless


The domotic electric system: the technological evolution of the traditional electrical system

With the passing of years and the continual technical development of materials and components, the electrical system in civil buildings, and not only has integrated its role as a simple distribution of electricity with modern technology Home and Building Automation (HBA), better known by the term Domotics. This word is composed of a set of words: “domus”, which in Latin means house, and “robotics” the discipline of engineering that deals with methods that allow a machine to realize the human labor.