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Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms with Python

Advanced Data Structures
Advanced Data Structures header

In the vast landscape of programming, efficient data management is crucial to address complex challenges and optimize the performance of algorithms. In this section, we will explore through a series of in-depth articles, some advanced data structures and associated algorithms, delving into their practical implementation using the Python programming language.

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Advanced Data Structures

Linked Lists

Linked lists are an advanced form of linear data structures, where elements are stored in nodes that point to the next in the sequence. This flexibility allows for efficient insertion and removal of items in any position. We’ll look at how to implement linked lists in Python and how to leverage them for operations like dynamic insertion and efficient memory management.

Linked Lists

Queues and Priority Queues

Queues are data structures that follow the “First In, First Out” (FIFO) principle. We’ll explore how to implement queues using lists or deques in Python and discuss practical applications, such as managing tasks in an operating system. Priority queues extend the concept of queues by introducing a priority level associated with each item. We will look at how to implement priority queues using binary heaps and how to apply them in scenarios such as event handling in a simulator.

Queues and Priority Queues in Python

Hash Tables: Speed of Data Access

Hash tables are data structures that allow quick access to data through a hash function. We will explore how to implement hash tables in Python and analyze collisions and resolution strategies. We’ll cover practical applications of hash tables, such as storing data efficiently and making dictionaries in Python.


Hash Tables

Immutable Data Structures

Tuples and Namedtuples

We’ll explore tuples and namedtuples as immutable data structures in Python, highlighting situations where they are advantageous and offer greater security.

Tuples and NamedTuples in Python

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