How To for Raspberry – Checking the Raspbian version (update & upgrade)

HOW TO – Raspberry Pi

Meccanismo Complesso - Raspberry How To

How to check the Raspbian version on my Raspberry Pi

You can check the release of Raspbian, simply reading the content of the os-release file.

$ cat /etc/os-release
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Or you can install lsb-release package and then run it to get the version of the operating system.

$ sudo apt-get install lsb_release
$ lsb_release -a
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Instead, if you want to know the Kernel version in your Raspberry Pi, you can use the uname command.

$ uname -a
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How to update and upgrade my Raspbian.

First, you need to check if enough free space is available on yout SD card.

$ df -h
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If enough space is available, then you have to update the package manager apt.

$ sudo apt-get update

Once apt is updated, you can upgrade your Raspbian distribution.

$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

This operation may take several minutes.[:]

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